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Congratulations! Relax and Enjoy - you have the FUN and we the work. To get yourself the latest releases of NewEmotionalMusic you do not have to search in badly organized CD-stores in the middle of a hectic atmosphere.TMS-Music-Mail offers you the complete music program of the Label IC/Digit Music. Innovative Communication has specialised in NewEmotionalMusic. The label was founded in 1979 by Klaus Schulze, a pionier of electronic music.
Timeless Instrumental-Music: Relaxation, Electronic, Meditation, New Age, Rock/Pop and Trance.
Our Samplers contain some of the most successful titles of various artists. Kitaro, Vangelis, Klaus Doldinger, Jan Hammer, Tangerine Dream, Brian Eno, Klaus Schulze, Software, Dancing Fantasy and G.E.N.E., to name just a few.
With these audiophile produced works you can start experiencing the NewEmotionalMusic. Here you get best sound quality and finest artwork in the informative booklets.
Choose between 200 and more titels of IC. Instrumental-music at its best. From New Age to Trance.
J.U.I.C.E. introduces you to modern and experimental music like Trance-Dance-Ambient-Techno.
Brain-Food-Music (BFM) offers you everything concerning "Wellness" and "Fit For Fun". Fantasy Journeys, Jogging, Meditation, Dance, Recreation, Erotic, Superlearning, Dance-therapy and more.
These are our attractive prices: Each CD costs only DM 31,- / with 3 CDs each costs DM 29,90 / with 5 CDs each costs DM 28,90 / Package & Shipping DM 8,- (Germany), DM 20,- (Europe), for shipping conditions outside of Europe please contact us.
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© The artists; TMS Verlag, 28209 Bremen, Germany.
Production: RT-Distribution, P.O.Box 2333, 58265 Gevelsberg, Germany. All rights reserved.